- “Family-Poster Grandma” already exists in your wishlist
Engraved milk tooth tin
CHF 21.90Product features
Personalise your own milk tooth box with an engraving of your choice
- Dimensions: 5.2 x 4.05 cm (diameter x height)
- The box was made of high quality and durable wood
- The tins are laser engraved
- Due to the laser engraving, there may be traces of smudging
- Deviations in grain and colour may occur due to natural conditions
Hängeorganizer Lemon
CHF 19.90Der praktische Hängeorganizer im frischen Lemon Design ist die perfekte Lösung, um alle wichtigen Babyutensilien immer griffbereit zu haben, ohne dass sie chaotisch im Raum verteilt sind. Einfach am Babybett befestigt, bietet dieser Organizer großzügigen Stauraum für Windeln, Feuchttücher, Flasche und andere Kleinigkeiten, die Sie täglich benötigen.
Meilenstein Spitalarmband
CHF 19.90Description
Behalte das Spitalarmband für immer in Erinnerung. Mit diesem Meilenstein kannst du dieses wunderschön in Szene setzen und ideal in die Erinnerungsbox deines Kindes legen.
Product features
- Mass: 12x12cm
- The wooden discs are laser engraved
- Due to the laser engraving, there may be traces of smudging
- Deviations in grain and colour may occur due to natural conditions
My first christmas Baby-Body Edition 2
CHF 19.90Details
- Soft & high quality 100% cotton unisex baby bodysuit
- washable at 30 degrees
- Not suitable for the dryer
- All sizes from 56 to 98 available
- Delivery to Switzerland takes approx. 2-5 working days
- Delivery abroad takes approx. 3-8 working days
- Express deliveries are possible by arrangement. Contact options for discussion via email (info@label2you) or Instagram (@label2you).
You can find more examples on Instagram: Label2you
My first christmas Baby-Body
CHF 19.90Details
- Soft & high quality 100% cotton unisex baby bodysuit
- washable at 30 degrees
- Not suitable for the dryer
- All sizes from 56 to 98 available
- Delivery to Switzerland takes approx. 2-5 working days
- Delivery abroad takes approx. 3-8 working days
- Express deliveries are possible by arrangement. Contact options for discussion via email (info@label2you) or Instagram (@label2you).
You can find more examples on Instagram: Label2you
ONEderful Baby-Body
CHF 19.90Details
- Soft & high quality 100% cotton unisex baby bodysuit
- washable at 30 degrees
- Not suitable for the dryer
- All sizes from 56 to 98 available
- Delivery to Switzerland takes approx. 2-5 working days
- Delivery abroad takes approx. 3-8 working days
- Express deliveries are possible by arrangement. Contact options for discussion via email (info@label2you) or Instagram (@label2you).
You can find more examples on Instagram: Label2you
Engraved baby brush
CHF 19.90Product features
Personalise your own baby brush.
- Beech wood brush with 100% goat hair bristles
- 100% FSC
- natural and unvarnished
- The baby brushes are laser engraved
- Due to the laser engraving, there may be traces of smudging
- Deviations in grain and colour may occur due to natural conditions
Babyschuhe gehäkelt
CHF 17.90Gestrickte Babyschuhe 0-3 Monate: Tolle Geschenkidee zur Geburt oder zur Babyparty – gestrickte Babyschuhe mit Rollrand und Kordel.
Die Schühchen habe ich aus hochwertiger extrasofter Wolle in zartem beige gestrickt. Sie halten die Füßchen schön warm. Zur Verzierung ist eine gleichfarbige Kordel durchgezogen.
Die Sohlenlänge beträgt 9 cm, das entspricht etwa Größe 16. Die Schühchen passen im Alter von ca. 0-3 Monaten. Da sie sehr gut dehnbar sind, wachsen sie aber auch noch ein bisschen mit.
Birth poster with birth dates and names
CHF 17.90Description
Immortalise the most important moments with your family in a wonderful poster and set the scene in your living room or children's room with this highlight.
- Personalise your own birth poster
- Receive your design within a few hours
- Print your poster in the comfort of your own home
Product features
- This is a personalised birth poster with all the important birth dates and names of your baby
- The birth poster will not in physical form but by e-mail as a PNG to print out yourself.
- The PNG can be printed in any size
Love poster with first name and date
CHF 17.90Description
- Personalise your own Love Poster
- Receive your design within a few hours
- Print your poster in the comfort of your own home
Product features
- This is a personalised Love Poster with name and date
- The poster is not sent in physical form, but by e-mail as a PNG to print out yourself.
- The PNG can be printed in any size
Ultrasound poster with your own ultrasound picture, name and birth data
CHF 17.90Description
- Personalise your own ultrasound poster
- Upload the ultrasound image below, above the "Add to cart" button.
- Make sure that the ultrasound image is sharp and straight when photographed
- Receive your finished, personal design within a few hours
- Print your poster in the comfort of your own home
Product features
- This is a personalised ultrasound poster with name and dates of birth
- The poster is not sent in physical form, but by e-mail as a PNG to print out yourself.
- The PNG can be printed in any size
Birth Poster Siblings with Birth Dates and Names
CHF 17.90Description
- Personalise your own birth poster
- Receive your design within a few hours
- Print your poster in the comfort of your own home
Product features
- This is a personalised birth poster with all the important birth dates and names
- The birth poster is not sent in physical form, but by e-mail as a PNG for you to print out yourself.
- The PNG can be printed in any size
Lovestory poster
CHF 17.90Description
- Personalise your own Family Love Story
- Receive your design within a few hours
- Print your poster in the comfort of your own home
Product features
- This is a personalised family portrait with the most important data of your family
- The family portrait is not in physical form but by e-mail as a PNG to print out yourself.
- The PNG can be printed in any size
Family-Lovestory 2 children (personalised)
CHF 17.90Description
- Personalise your own Family Love Story
- Receive your design within a few hours
- Print your poster in the comfort of your own home
Product features
- This is a personalised family portrait with the most important data of your family
- The family portrait is not in physical form but by e-mail as a PNG to print out yourself.
- The PNG can be printed in any size
Family Heart Poster (personalised)
CHF 17.90Description
- Personalise your own Family Love Story
- Receive your design within a few hours
- Print your poster in the comfort of your own home
Product features
- This is a personalised family portrait with the most important data of your family
- The family portrait is not in physical form but by e-mail as a PNG to print out yourself.
- The PNG can be printed in any size
Family-Lovestory 3 children (personalised)
CHF 17.90Description
- Personalise your own Family Love Story
- Receive your design within a few hours
- Print your poster in the comfort of your own home
Product features
- This is a personalised family portrait with the most important data of your family
- The family portrait is not in physical form but by e-mail as a PNG to print out yourself.
- The PNG can be printed in any size